Sun is daily, Sun is routine, Sun is every morning, Sun is every date, Sun is every new To Do List, Sun is every anniversary, Sun is everything and yet we recite poems about Moon- why?
Why is everybody gaga about the moon, all the poets, all the rituals, anybody and everybody who talks about love and romance, symbolizes it with moon- why? When all the passions are carried in broad day light- when its the sun who witnesses the real fire of love and longings, when its the sun who has only watched the two love birds taking strolls together, when its the sun who has kept away the clouds of suspicion from the free spirited hearts?

Have you ever seen the sun- like for real? Its fierce but its magical. It can blind you for moments but brighten you up from inside out. Take my advice, try absorbing that early morning sun when he is just warming up, not too hot, neither cold, just perfectly warm, try bathing in that light and all you will experience is Magic! The key with loving Sun is to maintain a distance, don't get too close, it will burn you, don't go too far, you won't get the warmth, just try and stand at just a best distance, that will help and he will show you the best of himself! And trust me, when he is at his best - you will forget about the moon, that's how beautiful he is, when he shines brightly with inner joy!
Acknowledge your Sun! He is Sun after all, very egoistic, won't be pleased by a romantic poetic verse. So challenge him to open himself to you. Embrace him by being ready for whatever might come. He will like that. Love him because there is nothing in this world that can reciprocate you like Sun.
I have seen the Sun, I have seen him in the eye, I have felt his warmth, I have loved him and he has loved me back even more. I thanked him for being there and he promised me to always be there in return. He told me that I might be the earth but he will gift me with shadows and that's how we will meet, because we are parallel universes. He is flamboyant, loves to boast of himself but I have taken him to be what he is, as he is.
Sun has made me feel
the magic, the mystery and the madness, He has set my benchmarks high enough not to settle down for anything less. He has made sure I believe in mornings than nights. He has loved me in broad day sunlight- when he saw me crystal clear, my opened pores and freckled skin, he saw me and still loved me- loved me back even more. The Sun made love to me!