Saturday, June 16, 2012

Bla(n)ck Hearts

The New cOlOr of heart is Black

With the new upgraded version of android, the androiders can now send a heart smiley (<3) in text messages and also can jump & show off about it. I just received one! And this little Black-heart icon takes me to yet another connect of the technology with relationships. Technology with relationships-what shit she is talking about? But yes,  I am talking about relationships with technology- how technology effects, influences and evolves any relationship.

Black & Blank Hearts
Communication is the mother to any damn relationship on this earth. As a famous tag line says -“Baat hogi tabhi to baat banegi” (when talking will happen then only something beyond might happen). In simple flowchart language- we talk>>know each other>>like/dislike>>result: Relationship (no matter what kind of). With all the state-of-the-art techniques and facilities of communication available, we often start taking people and their availability for granted assuming they are just a call away but in the process we tend to pile up  a huge heap of such taken-for-granted-pending calls that ‘they’ don’t remain anymore just a call away. They just drift Far Away!

We tech-savvy and so called new age people wonder how would it have been in black & white times , writing letters and then waiting for not less than 15 days for its reply; these days when I receive even a mail, I first go to ‘sent items’ to understand the context of the reply received. In even blacker and whiter times (ancient for that matter), the kings stayed away from home for decades in order to fight for his region and still returned back to find his wife waiting for him with all the love in her eyes; these days people go through a literal brain-wash if they are away even for a month and break up is the understood following route.

Our lives these days are very restless, changing places, positions and people frequently! We say “BYE(s)” very often now and add a “Stay Connected” to it as an understated suffix. But we don’t realize, when those byes convert into Goodbyes, forget connect we even loose contacts, and then when no one is left, we read/write such articles!

The original color of heart is supposedly Red which means a symbol of love, affection and warmth. In Black & white times, it must be actually red, when people really remain connected not by texts or calls or comments or likes but by hearts and thoughts! Now that everything else has become so colorful, the heart has taken a back seat! People love (or at least pretend to) till they see each other; brain works as the second heart and insensitiveness is named being practical.

Now I understand why android developers have kept the color of their Heart smiley- Black!


  1. Thanks seems tu be my new muse :p

  2. BYE and Stay Connected wow its a fact that u drew from our daily life, its so bloody true and we don't recognize it in our daily roller coaster ride.

  3. u r more liable or bound to give answers when u rely much on technology i really dont believe in the "relationship" of technology and can ease it but cant provide it and i do think that the shallowness of relationship is only due to technology . technolgy provides u the the means to express any thngh before u actually feel it so as they say one mild date 1 wild date than its over its only due to technology .dats all ms "guest author"

    1. So true Pk! 'Shallowness of relationship is only due to technology' actually!Very thoughtful comment i must say. Thanks for the read!

  4. Love changes us, but we change how we love too.

    1. The HOW changes itself automatically with Whom we are loving!

  5. People lie, things change, boyfriends/girlfriends cheat, friends ditch and there are always going to be those people who would kill to see you fall.

  6. Interesting Thought . Innovative Start of Android Black heart & the way you not only connected it but weaved the story around it.Just shows on so many out of box wavelengths you think and want to express the same in your quintessential style.You really performing ur Social Media Jockey duties well ;)Well done.Keep Writing.
