Wednesday, December 30, 2015

इबारतें (6)

इबारतें बेख़ौफ़ हैं
इबादतें बदशक्ल,

मेरे हज की गलियों के नक्श
नाखून से खुरचना चाहा हो किसी ने जैसे

ज़िन्दगी मुझसे ही पलट के सवाल पूछती है
आखिर क्या सोच के किया जो किया,
पन्नों पे लिखाई भी मुश्किल हो रही है
ओस भीगे पत्ते भी कभी जलते हैं भला

इबादतें दिखने लगी हैं अब इबारतों में
बस ज़िन्दगी की हँसी सुनाई देती है

one more EMI of Ibaratein Poetry Series- 10 months in between

इबारतें : Writing
इबादतें: Prayers

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

लगता है सालों पुरानी बात है

तस्वीरें है कुछ मेरी तुम्हारी
अभी बस हाल फ़िलहाल की
रोज़ पलटती हूँ, हमें साथ देखने को
लगता है सालों पुरानी बात है

लगता है जैसे अरसा गुज़र गया तुम्हें देखे हुए
कही चेहरा भूल जाऊं.. यूँ भी सोच लिया करती हूँ
तुम्हारा इंतज़ार होकर भी नहीं है
इतना लम्हा गुज़र गया तुमसे रूबरू हुए

हर दिन मानो इक साल जैसा है
बस खुद जोड़ लो कितने साल गुज़र गए;
वादे किये थे तुमने बस अभी कुछ दिन पहले
लगता है सालों पुरानी बात है

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I have seen the Sun

Sun is daily, Sun is routine, Sun is every morning, Sun is every date, Sun is every new To Do List, Sun is every anniversary, Sun is everything and yet we recite poems about Moon- why? 

Why is everybody gaga about the moon, all the poets, all the rituals, anybody and everybody who talks about love and romance, symbolizes it with moon- why? When all the passions are carried in broad day light- when its the sun who witnesses the real fire of love and longings, when its the sun who has only watched the two love birds taking strolls together, when its the sun who has kept away the clouds of suspicion from the free spirited hearts?

Have you ever seen the sun- like for real? Its fierce but its magical. It can blind you for moments but brighten you up from inside out. Take my advice, try absorbing that early morning sun when he is just warming up, not too hot, neither cold, just perfectly warm, try bathing in that light and all you will experience is Magic! The key with loving Sun is to maintain a distance, don't get too close, it will burn you, don't go too far, you won't get the warmth, just try and stand at just a best distance, that will help and he will show you the best of himself! And trust me, when he is at his best - you will forget about the moon, that's how beautiful he is, when he shines brightly with inner joy!

Acknowledge your Sun! He is Sun after all, very egoistic, won't be pleased by a romantic poetic verse. So challenge him to open himself to you. Embrace him by being ready for whatever might come. He will like that. Love him because there is nothing in this world that can reciprocate you like Sun.

I have seen the Sun, I have seen him in the eye, I have felt his warmth, I have loved him and he has loved me back even more. I thanked him for being there and he promised me to always be there in return. He told me that I might be the earth but he will gift me with shadows and that's how we will meet, because we are parallel universes. He is flamboyant, loves to boast of himself but I have taken him to be what he is, as he is.

Sun has made me feel the magic, the mystery and the madness, He has set my benchmarks high enough not to settle down for anything less. He has made sure I believe in mornings than nights. He has loved me in broad day sunlight- when he saw me crystal clear, my opened pores and freckled skin, he saw me and still loved me- loved me back even more. The Sun made love to me!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

थोड़ी रेत लौटा आये हैं

हर बार जब जाते थे समंदर किनारे
थोड़ी रेत साथ लाते थे
यादों की, मुलाक़ातों की
कुछ धूल संग ले आते थे

इस बार जब गए थे समंदर किनारे,
थोड़ी रेत उसकी उसको,
लौटा आये हैं;
कितनी  हसीन थी पिछली ज़िन्दगी ,
वो  सारी, समंदर में छोड़ आये हैं!

किसी ने नहीं देखा  हमें ...
हम वहाँ से इस बार क्या लूट लाये हैं !
बस वो समंदर गवाह है,
हम इस बार उसका जादू साथ लाये हैं ...

जिसकी अमानत थी,
उसको वापस दे आये हैं ;
इस बार,
थोड़ी रेत लौटा आये हैं..!!

Monday, September 14, 2015

ग़ज़लों जैसा इश्क़

काश के ग़ज़लों जैसा इश्क़ हुआ करता

तुम  मय हुआ करते मैं साकी हुआ करती

सोचती बस तुम्हे,

तुम्हारे लिए ही नज़्में लिखा करती

काश शाइर जैसा  इश्क़ हुआ करता

बस उसी के लिए जीती, उसी पे मरती

तुम गिनते नहीं कितने जाम हुए

मैं बताती नहीं हम क्यों सरेआम हुए

कितना इश्क़ होता सोचो ज़रा

गर ग़ज़लों जैसा इश्क़ हुआ करता

वाकई , इश्क़ होता!

काश के ग़ज़लों जैसा इश्क़ हुआ करता 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

मेरा नादान इश्क़

इश्क़ शिकवे करता है
क्यों नहीं आते तुम पहले की तरह,
ख्यालों के दरवाज़ों पे दस्तक देने,
वो आबे - हयात मंज़र दिखलाने;

संजीदगी रिस रही है शायद कहीं से,
कोई महरूम खिड़की खो रही है शोरोगुल में,
कभी कभी वो मेरे पास आ बैठता है..
अपने दिल का हाल कहने..
क्यों नहीं आते तुम पहले की तरह,
मुझसे पूछता है..!

तुम्ही कहो कैसे समझाऊं इसे,
ये तो ताउम्र नादान रहता है,
कहती हूँ सब्र करो, वो आएगा;
फिर से वो आबे - हयात मंज़र दिखलाने!

मगर डरती हूँ...
इंतज़ार लम्हे से लम्बा न हो जाये,
तुम मत कहना उससे, मैंने तुमसे कहा था ;
मगर जल्दी आना.… .,
कहीं मेरा नादान इश्क़,
बड़ा न हो जाये ....!!

It was after very very long that i wrote THIS - a MY STYLE poetry - For those whose have written things like Writing could be a therapy they were not wrong - You Actually FEEL It!! It works like meditation - a nirvana!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Run Along with The Horses

I want to run along with the horses,
Blacks and whites,
Feathery and tide,
In the sepia sun, in the dawning light;
I want to run,
Without any ties!!

I want the wind to embrace me and hug me tight,
Dust in my hair but heart just all right,
Please don't call my name or I shall abide,
Don't you see, i want to run like I am flying!

The nerves would race and I will stop to catch a breathe,
Will hold my knees but the heart shall dance,
The horses won't get tired and keep up with the run,
My eyes shall enjoy this but in due course of time!

I will understand I could only run so far
That the horses will fly and I will have to now stop..

But for now....,
I want to run along with the horses, 
Blacks and whites;

Without any ties !

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Make some room – Move On!!

For the co-warriors, trying to move on!

Stuck with some old relationships, people, moments, night long phone calls or over extended coffees with someone from the past? And the same doesn’t happen anymore and you know it might just never happen ever again? PLEASE MOVE ON!

First things first, the good news is that you are not alone in this. An average human has a life expectancy of 65 years of which the first half is when you start exploring the doom of a lonely world called love. By the time you hit your late 20s, you know it wasn’t love or anything even in the closer proximity. You argue with yourself in terms of analyzing if it was just infatuation, compatibility, comfort level or just a habit and maybe then just abandon the topic saying – You don’t know what love is! By the time you say this, you have gone through multiple (atleast more than one I am sure) heartaches and the whole roller coaster rides. And now, it’s time to move on.

We all have a favorite pair of jeans right? Which no matter how much it fades or even comes apart, we just won’t stop wearing them. Moms and others might tell you that it’s time to retire this ancient piece of fabric now but you just won’t stop doing that. Then over the time, you gain some weight, so naturally, the jeans stops fitting you. Conveniently ignoring your fatal attraction for the beloved pair of jeans, your body has grown with time- High time to buy new jeans!  So we do that – get out and search for days to get the same fit and comfort our favorite pair offered. After days of making those unsuccessful visits to various stores and coming back empty handed, we finally manage to bring home a new one. This new one goes right on top of the old one in the rack. But still, the old one lies right there, peeking through the old one. A few days down, you take the old one and try it out. It might even fit this time but you realize it has actually gone too ancient for you to wear it somewhere outside. You fold and keep it back! Trust me when I say, it will just lie there, idol, for a very long time. Time passes by and we keep shopping for more. And comes the final day when you realize that there is not even a remote possibility that your baby can be of any use to you ever again. And going per the theory of LIFO (Last in First Out) it silently bids goodbye to your wardrobe one day.

Question to ask yourself now- Are you shopping? Or looking like a beggar in the same old pair of jeans?  If not, please go out and buy a new pair of jeans. Make that much needed trip to the store. Make some room in wardrobe and in heart, let life offer you new colors and get on with it. It’s as simple as that! When trying to quit something (or someone)“Cold Turkey” isn’t always the best approach. REPLACE!!

Make some room- Move on.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Explode in me!

Confide in me
Escape in me
What you have been
wanting to say for so long
Explode in me!

I will be your tinted glass
I will be your wall of stone
I will not break nor let it out
I will absorb it all
Scream in me!

Talk it out
Let it out
Worry not,
Just say it aloud
Hide in me!

No words shall be spoken back,
No advice down the drain

Your heart may just smoke it out
And it shall all be gone with the wind
Have some faith in me!

As I said, 
Explode in me!

Sometimes all you want is to have a pair of sturdy ears, and no tongue, You don't want to be advised or told what to do, you just need to blast it out, without any revert. I wish i had someone like this, for me!! 

Monday, March 16, 2015


If only, we could own up our own heartaches and continued loving, no matter what it takes......, how long it goes......., where it finally lands........!!

We are scared- of loving! We are scared just before sending that text full of emotions, we are scared to go out just in case the real heart matters slip out of a watery tongue, we are scared to sip coffees together coz we might talk out hearts out- and all this why? Because of “Heartaches”

Heartaches --- Ouch!  They come with every kind of love you know of! They will come and you can’t just ignore them. So should we just stop loving and having a real life? I don’t think so. Life is nothing devoid of love. Those butterflies in the stomach on a slight rub of hands accidentally, that is life; the feeling of caring for someone and getting the favor returned that is life; sharing nasty details from poop timings to how shitty the boss is, that is real life.  Should we just stop living then, just because it will, at some point of time bring heartache along? I definitely don’t think so!!

Hypothetically thinking, what if, we could just keep on loving keeping the worries at bay? Will it not bring consequences? Off course it will. You might have a hard time getting over it. You might even go on a sabbatical full of undesirable thoughts and insomniac nights. But won’t you get to think of the glorious butterflies then and smile a bit? Won’t you carry some beautiful memories forever? Then why not drop the ‘Heartache Phobia’ aside and live the moment- make the best of it!!

But wait, if you are already feeling too inspired by now, here is a little reality check. “Do it at your own risk” If you think you are man enough to deal with your heartache later on, then take the plunge because the one giving you those butterfly memories won’t be there to cry along. If you don’t think you are that kind of person- Sir, please leave right away! (But anyway it’s not going to help you, sorry to say)

Any which ways this world and our lives should never be short on love because this is the only thing which is our private yet shared. Don’t let the heartache stop you from loving. Don’t kill those butterflies just so soon!!

Friday, February 27, 2015

इबारतें (5)

इबादतें कुबूली गयी हैं कुछ,
इबारतें मगर आमादा हैं,
किस्से दर्ज़ करने पे,

मेरे हज की गलियों के नक्श,
बड़े नए नज़र आते हैं,
कच्चे रास्तों पे,
कोरी बजरी बिखेरी है शायद,

पन्ने अपनी गिनतियों में मशगूल हैं,
और इबारतें खुद को कुरेदने में,
इबादतें बेलफ़ज़ हैं,  
मगर गलियां चल रही हैं, बदल रही हैं,

इबादतें नयी उमड़ेंगी मगर,
तब इबारतें भी संजीदा होंगी,
मेरे हज की गलियों के नक्श फिर बदलेंगे,
और पन्नो की सिलवटें फिर बढ़ेंगी!!  

Fifth installment of my beloved IBARATEIN series is here - this time after 7 months. A lot happened in this while,  life changing decisions, those which can't be undone! But Ibaratein will go on - no matter what is going on....!!! 

इबारतें : Writing
इबादतें: Prayers
आमादा: Adamant 
बेलफ़ज़: Speechless 
मयस्सर :Available 

Thursday, February 26, 2015


@kaveeshaklicks #insta

असमंजस हैं बड़े,
किन धूप छांव में हम खड़े
शिकवे हैं या शिकवे होने के गिले
इतने खामोश क्यूँ हैं सिलसिले...?

कब से हुए यहीं हम ठहरे,
हम बदले तुम बदले,
फिर भी हम असमंजस में पड़े ..;

मायूसी और मुस्कुराहटें दोनों नहीं,
बस ख़ामोशी है और कुछ नहीं,
उलझे उलझे दिन हैं सादी सादी रातें,
दोनों वही हैं मगर दोनों चुप खड़े;

असमंजस हैं बड़े...!!!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Beep Beep – It’s me, LOVE!!


Tasks are multiplying, new gadgets to be entertained, new news to digest , remain update, eat healthy, stay fit, stay cheerful, trying to leave a sparkle everywhere we pass by – there is so much to do but hours in the day remain the same!! Modern life and lifestyle has brought all this with it. And just when we were about to call it a day- booom…. “love” happens!!

Extra zoom shot of a switchboard #Kaveesha 
Love was supposed to be telepathy, a connection which existed beyond a digital beep on the smartphone. Well now, it is, what it was not!  Love is a beep these days. The more the beeps, the more the expression, the more the love and thus more the illusion. When cupid looked down at earth with faces dug in the phones, he must have thought of simplifying all the complex phenomena of love. 
Thus love became directly proportional to the length of chat history.

Let’s say, love is equivalent to the number of beeps, having said that, have we tried feeling the same love in absence of those beeps? If you do … congratulations! you might be in real love (or atleast the illusion of the same) but if you don’t, try this out – “Out of Sight, Out of Mind”

When love is quick and convenient as per uber lifestyles, recognizing the real one would be quite a task. Ask that love to disappear for a while or just switch to a feature phone for a couple of days. You will have some analysis in hand at the end of the day.

We are human beings with even shorter memory spans these days. What remains on top of the mind becomes the center of interest. In this situation, giving time to realize that cupid is throwing its arrows on you might be a bit difficult. Being in constant touch can illicit feelings for anybody – I will say again – “anybody”. Please don’t do that to yourself. Take eyes off that 5.5inch HD screen and lay them on him. He might be looking at you!!  But if he is also eyeing the phone, dude, you are wasting hell lot of time here.

PS- Also do the ‘Out of Sight, Out of Mind’ test before you get into a commitment, it might just open your eyes and save you from feeling stupid afterwards.

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Night Roads

Glistening and calm,
Tired from the day and stretching their arms,
The long curves of the empty roads,
And us breaking their little nap

The midnight trees bend to make a little love,
And the breeze sets in just the perfect mood,
Neon dividers radiate even more,
And us diving through the glorious slope,

The night was deep and without any moon,
Only them and us and a little song,
We let them go back to the nap as we pass
And us riding further, stirring their pause!

The next time you go for a midnight ride, carry this little thought with you, 
You might be disturbing silence of many, let them make their love, let them unite with the peace. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

अभी बाकी है

अश्क़ सबूत हैं,
तेरे हिस्से का इश्क अभी बाकी है;
रश्क़ जो किये थे तुझसे,
उनका हिसाब अभी बाकी है;
ज़िन्दगी पड़ी है बहुत,
ये साथ यहीं तक बस हुआ...,
शायद यहाँ से आगे भी हो....;
थोड़ी आस अभी बाकी है!!

Because A lot happens and then Poetry happens!!

----And juts the next day , ABHI BAAKI HAI gets featured in this.....Pasting a screenshot!! :D