Friday, June 1, 2012

A 'moment' Changes Everything

A decade long bond, which went through many roads, passed through many facades and escapades, fakings and confessions and still stands upright, structured  and re structured again and again. A relationship which passes the tests of time-trust-quarrels-admittance becomes the way the two of them are, towards each other, towards themselves.

There are long pages of a few important people in your life diary and you know this notepad is not spiral bound. Pages are not meant to be torn and flushed away, you like it or not, they will still be there, always and forever. They might fade a little but then comes a moment, when you go past ‘that’ page, revisit it and ‘that’ one moment changes everything. Everything here implies anything. Either you still have vision ahead for that page in your life or you just flip it over it, but if at all you do stop over that page for more than 2 minutes, be sure you have something still left to be read out loud from it.

These pages are the people rather the person(s), the souls that have mattered for so long in your lives, that seemed to be on top of all the priorities at one point of time in your life, so what if you don’t really text them every now and then today, you still have that feeling of ‘i-want-to-know’ how they are wherever they are. And these souls are not just the special some ones but also the Friends-the besties who always fought but still remained together; the people who could never fit into either of the categories –friends or specials but found a mid way for their own self, these guys are like the bookmarks in the life diary, so that to remind yourself on which page you were, they are the first thing you see.

Grammy-nominated artist David Gray’s “A moment changes everything” celebrates how a single moment between two people has the power to change everything about their relationship—a moment that takes their relationship to an elevated level.

So coming back to the moment when you somehow land on that page of your life, I say. Stick to it. That will be the moment that can decide what you will do ahead. I could have been fighting with my bestie all my life, getting irritated at small silly stuff but it might happen , that one blue day, when I am totally out of my nerves and would like to take a walk on a beach, the only person I could think of would be her .This one moment has changed  everything about her for me!

We just need to have ‘that one moment’ in our relationships-friendships and fights, to change it forever and for good. And when it comes, you just need to sense –this is it-the moment!


  1. I so agree with this beautifully explained thought ' A moment changes everything' we all have such moment its just we don't preserve it, cherish it, nurture it or rather talk about it and by writing this you made all the readers Think , strongly think about it and positively act on it.Good job Kaveesha, you are actually helping the society :) by writing such Small-Yet-Big Thought provoking stories. Keep Writing

  2. A moment carries the power to change the world around you.. rightly said.. you just need to capture the one when it comes.. and trust me.. cherish it forever.. don't let it float away..I'm glad you find the one for yourself and somewhere in between I've helped in the process :)..

    Some are still searching.. !!

    1. The search will go on until its satiated by time! And we just cant stop looking for it , time & again. So why not let the thoughts just fly free in some space here. Thanks fr d cmmnt, n u surely helped me with n after d process :)
      Thnks fr the beautiful picture that inspired this write up .

  3. and it took just one moment to realize it..
    one moment to like it...
    & one moment to thank you for re-re-visiting the old times and conjuring myself to look forward to "THE FUTURE TIMES"

    very nicely compiled :) :)

    1. a complement fr me if u can actully think of Future times aftr Re-visiting the past ones :)thnks fr ur feedbak

  4. Forgot to compliment the picture...very nice capture n d best part is , its real :)

  5. A copied image could be used with a piece of writing and be used better but only a real image can INSPIRE a writing :)
