Monday, December 31, 2012

पुरानी किताब

पुराने किस्सों से सराबोर 
पीले पड़  चुके पन्नो वाली उस किताब को 
मैं एक दिन यूँ ही  पलट के देख रही थी , 
हर पन्ने की सिलवट के साथ 
उस सिलवट की वजह सोच रही थी;

यादें ज्यादा थी और शब्द कम 
उस रात मैं भी न जाने क्या क्या सोच रही थी 

बहुत देर बाद 
जब यादों की नींद से जागी 
महसूस हुआ अब हकीकत में लौटना चहिये 
पन्ने पपड़ा गए थे 
मैंने किताब को किसी तरह बंद कर 
एक भारी ताले से दबा दिया 

पर उस रात बारिश हुई थी 
तेज़ हवा से ताला सरक गया था 
एक अनचाहा सा पीला पन्ना 
मेरे सामने खुल गया था !!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Wikipedia & Perspectives

There is a Wikipedia definition available for almost everything existent in this world and there are alternate definitions present for the same words in the same world!

Little difficult to understand? Okay here we go- so type in Wikipedia- what is sea?? It will tell you that it is a large body of saline water n blah blah! But do you visualize the same when you say “sea” > I bet not! Just say this word “sea” and see what picture you get in your mind. There will be frames of sunsets, sunrises, silhouettes, people, waves , water stretched till infinity , sand and peace and I bet some can even hear  the sound of waves just at the mention of the word “sea”

So sometimes it’s not about what is already described there in the books, about things you don’t know- they are about what you think of them – what pictures you get in mind when you say their names! And that’s what matters – and that is what we call is a perspective!

This world runs on perspectives, which are individual, unique and exclusive to everyone! Mine may not match with yours but that’s what makes me a different person than you! And here we need to preserve them too- our own precious perspectives! Because in them lies our eccentricity!!

Perspectives tend to change, under the influence of people around, philosophies, something that looks attractive and even alcohol! Let them not change for anybody – ever!! The rights and wrongs of life are also perspectives! I might do the right thing but you might find it wrong! There are no boundaries – there are only perspectives – which define your own hemlines in life, relationships and attitude. We have people who play Wikipedia in our lives- tell them to stay away and believe on what pictures you get in your own mind when you say the name!!

Believe your own perspectives!

Friday, December 21, 2012


आवाज़ दी है, 
कुछ दूर तक तो गयी होगी 
तूने सुना होगा, कुछ आहिस्ता से, 
कुछ असर तो हुआ होगा; 

मेरी आवाज़ है अगर तेरे एहसास में 
तो कुछ तो उमड़ा होगा 
क्या हुआ जो मुझ तक तेरी आवाज़ नहीं पहुंची 
मैं सोचती हूँ , 
आवाज़ सुन कर मेरी 
तूने मुड कर , इधर उधर तो देखा होगा!!

With special remeberence and fond thoughts, this one came out in a jiffy of say 60 seconds, and not even in lone moments but right in middle of a hangout , in between the conversations! 
tells me how big a bluff-master a human's mind could be!! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

मेरा अज़ीज़ सामान

क्यों ऐसा होता है 
के कभी कभी घर से  निकलके 
बहुत दूर चलने के बाद 
याद आता है , के 
पीछे कुछ छूट गया 

कुछ ज़रूरी सा, कुछ अज़ीज़ सा 
जो संभाला था कई जतनों से 
वही बेहद कीमती सा, 
घर पर ही छूट गया 

अब् पीछे जाना मुश्किल है 
और आगे चलना भी मुनासिब नहीं 
क्या करूँ, दिल में बड़ी कश्मकश  है 

कुछ देर रुक जाती हूँ 
बीच रास्ते  में  अनमनी सी होकर थम जाती हूँ 
फिर कुछ सोच के, भारी मन से 
आगे बढ़ जाती हूँ 
पर मेरा मन , वहीँ छूट जाता है 

मेरा वह अज़ीज़ सामान , 
मुझे अब भी वापस बुलाता है 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Under the Tree

Silhouttes of a tree| Image by-

Sometimes life can play cruel games- on ALL of us!! We rush, we run, we compete, we complete targets, we laugh, we party but then we all come back “home”- to a place that we call our own! A place where we get in our pajamas and sweatshirts and we don’t mind what our hair look like!! And then we, at least for once think about the entire day and this is the moment when we realize how there is just no body around!!

We have friends- a lot of them (thanks to office and facebook and whatspp and what not) who might be just a ping away but do we really have them in our lives?? Probably not! It’s just an illusion we create for ourselves that okay I am around people- all the time which is so not true! Fact is that everyone is at his/her own. Everyone-even those so called friends have their own lives, their own set of friends, love of lives etc. When we are together, it’s nothing more than the fact that we both need each other for this much time and that’s it!! There is a mutual need which gets fulfilled and we think we have people!! Blah!!

So it’s better to get accustomed to this, to find peace being with ourselves, to enjoy the solace- and the sooner it is the better it gets! Because eventually, there is actually no body.

Why do we look for a green surrounding while taking up a new flat, probably it may add to the beauty of your balcony or may be a good view to your eyes but do we ever think how peaceful those same trees may become whilst we sit under them – all by ourselves! I bet nobody! And this is the ugly truth of life! We sit under those trees, all by ourselves, only in the silhouettes of memoirs and nostalgia and a husky voice which says – Yes accept it now, this is the fact, there is no body!

And then it makes me think – why do we even need people in our life- just because Man is a social animal?? Well, man is an animal no doubt but in a different way, the theory ‘survival of the fittest’ also applies here. The one who can as much tolerate you as a person, remains longest in our lives and rest just drift away. Nobody makes an effort, nobody even tries to survive- a little longer- and this is what makes you go and sit under that tree all by yourself.

Had there been a little more effort, a little more urge to fight and to stay back- nobody would go and hug those trees, nobody would try to find solace in that dampness and nobody would write something like this!!
But then, as I said, life plays cruel games- on ALL of us!! No one is spared! And people just hush around, still trying to find friends in books, music, cigarettes and for that matter people but –actually Nothing happens!!

So let this fight end here, let this race be only with yourself, let there not be any desire to sit under those trees with your hand in someone’s—and then I hope, we all might survive this cruel game of life!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


वक़्त गुज़रता है , रिश्ते बदलते हैं
दिलों के साथ साथ , दिलों के डर भी बदलते हैं
किस्से, कहानियाँ, यादें बदलती हैं
शामों के साथ , फिर रातें बदलती हैं ,
एहसास बदलते हैं , अलफ़ाज़ भी बदलते हैं
इज्हारों के साथ , उम्मीदें बदलती हैं
इंसान और फितरतें भी ,
आखिर बदल जाते हैं ;

सिर्फ बदलाव ही तो है जो एक सा रहता है
इसके अलावा तो
सब कुछ बदलता है !!

"Because only Change remains constant!!"

Monday, December 3, 2012


"बहुत खुशनसीब होते हैं जिन्हें नींद नसीब होती है , 
कुछ पलों के लिए सही , बेसाख्ता ख्वाहिशों से निज़ात तो मिलती है "