Tuesday, March 12, 2019

If you are Dating an Artist

Oh you going to get yourself into a lot.. Trust me a whole lot!!

If you are dating an artist, be prepared to witness the invisible
Because we tend to read between the lines, exist in spaces between the spaces
We will be vocal about everything and subtle at it, all at once
The same way we pour our hearts out on the paper or canvas?
Yes the exact same way
We will tell you upfront sometimes, what we are up to
But also want you to read us in the silence, something we do before starting an artwork
If you are dating an artist, expect the unexpected
We will take you on the rollercoaster ride of your life
If you are really making an impact out there,
You will sometime feature in some of our arts
Coz most of the times, we are just all about ourselves
We have a whole parallel world that breathes inside us
If you are dating an artist, try not to fall into frames
Because we don’t follow that regime
We work on vibes, and not otherwise
You might never be able to decipher if it’s really dating
Or just friendship?? And you will end up super confused
So leave that bit to us
We will take it as it goes, and take it slow
If we had an instant connection, brownie points for you
If we didn’t, it can appear out of nowhere, one day when you are almost giving up
But we also tend to have switches to the internal parallel universe
And yes, trust me when I say we can totally switch it off out of the blue
So keep us engaged with attention and novelty and pure emotion shit
Because you never know, when that switch goes off for you
We will love it if you take interest in our orgasmic artwork,
If you don’t we will be silent and maybe slowly cut off
If you are dating an artist, trust me you are going to remember it for a long long time
Because you are in for the best of what you have managed so far
We will open up the layers one day at a time
And every time you meet us, you going to discover something divine
If you are dating an artist, it’s going to look quite simple and normal on the outside
So far you are pouring love, it’s not going to go away anywhere
But we like the limelight both on the art and ourselves
Things will get complex, don’t tell me later I didn’t beware!
We will demand and ask real hard
If you are dating an artist, THINK hard before you go far