Friday, January 25, 2013

तस्वीरों के लोग

"उन तस्वीरों को दीवार पे जगह देने का क्या फायदा ,

जिनमें  मुस्कुराते लोग अब ज़िन्दगी से रुखसत हो गए "

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


मकां कई बनते हैं 
मन में ही बनते और उधड़ते हैं,
दीवारें चुनती हैं 
और फिर भी दरवाज़े खुलते हैं 

दरवाजों तक जाने वाले 
रास्ते चलते हैं , बदलते हैं 
जाने कितने मौसम बीत जाते हैं 
पर मकां अब भी बना करते हैं 

एक दिन कोई उस मकां का 
पता पूछ बैठता है 
तो कच्ची सड़क पर पक चुके 
पैरों के निशाँ बताते हैं 

के दीवारें तो ढह गयीं 
पर रास्ते अब भी 
उन खुले दरवाज़ों तक जाते हैं!! 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

“You are what you delete”

You are what you delete --- It’s a copied thought but so true! So many times, so many words are poured on a word doc and then backspace button un-does it all! Why- may be this piece of thought doesn't wants to go public, may be this part of the person doesn’t wants to be seen, or may be this emotion just wants to stay inside and grow bigger.

Hiding away is one aspect but hiding and yet growing it inside is totally another.

Situations happen-you do certain things in a certain way in that situation and then that situation – that moment is gone, but once that moment has passed, does it happens that you think you could have done something else in this situation – you could have behaved little differently – then things might not be the way they are right now- they may have changed – they may have been better – they may have been according to you, the way you wanted them to be!!

Holding back yourself – that’s what you did-then, in that moment- you didn’t blurt out yourself and now the moment has passed away. Holding back was difficult, painful rather, but did it help? What held you- you were thinking of the eventual outcomes of “resistibility” or you realized there are some common human emotions in you like ‘ego’ – whatever it was- you haven’t done justice to yourself- at least not in that moment.

Now the moment has already passed but the urge and the desire isn’t dead yet. So, you shall wait, wait for the urge to grow bigger within you – wait till the time when you feel that holding back happened for good, wait till you feel the moment was worth it and when you get the vibes that its time- just blurt it out!

But oh!- the wait seems to have missed its worth- here’s a new discovery within yourself—the time, desire and efforts that went in doing  everything to get it back seem to be a waste- the situation doesn’t seems be deserving enough – a wrong choice or may be a wrong realization- And ‘now’ another situation is happening to you- this is called “Helplessness”!

Nothing is worse than this feeling, nothing so handicapped – when you do it all, with your heart, mind, body and soul – but still- nothing happens!

And this is the time- when you write and delete-this is the real You!


§  Live every moment, don’t miss, don’t regret-do what you feel like and not think like doing in that moment.
§  Nothings worse than Helplessness
§  Resistibility is a bitch
§  Remember, eventually, it’s only about YOU!